Why Have My Instagram Message Requests Disappeared?

Instagram Message Requests Disappeared:

  1. The person must have unsent the message
  2. The person may have blocked you
  3. The person must have temporarily deactivated the account
  4. You have followed the person

In this article, you’ll learn why the Instagram message request you received suddenly disappeared.

Why Did My Instagram Message Requests Disappear?

The disappearance of message requests is very common on Instagram, and it happens when a person sends a message and then immediately unsends it, or when the person blocks you, or the person may have deactivated the Instagram account. This can also occur as a result of a bug.

Note: Message requests do not expire.

I’ve explained all four reasons in detail below:

  1. The person must have unsent the message
  2. The person may have blocked you
  3. The person must have temporarily deactivated the account
  4. You have followed the person

1. The person must have unsent the message

Why Did My Instagram Message Requests Disappear?

When someone sends a message request and then unsends it, the message request can disappear.

I verified this by initiating a message request between my secondary and primary accounts.

From my primary account, I could see the message request.

When I unsent the message from my secondary account, the message request from my primary account disappeared.

Therefore, if you notice that the message request has disappeared, it may indicate that the sender has unsent the message.

To unsend a message, long-press it and choose “Unsend.”

2. The person may have blocked you

Why Did My Instagram Message Requests Disappear?

The second possibility is that the person has blocked you.

As a result, once the individual has blocked you, the message request will be deleted automatically. This removes the message request on your end.

If you believe the individual has not blocked you, you can search for the individual’s name on Instagram.

If you see the notice “User not found,” it indicates that the user has blocked you.

3. The person must have temporarily deactivated the account

Why Did My Instagram Message Requests Disappear?

Sometimes, people deactivate their Instagram account.

Therefore, if you receive a message request from someone and that person deactivates the account, the message request will be removed, and you will not see it on your end.

4. You have followed the person

Why Did My Instagram Message Requests Disappear?

The message request disappeared because you followed the person.

When you follow a person, you can directly message or chat with the person. You don’t have to send a message request.

Therefore, check if you have followed the person if you feel Instagram message requests disappeared.

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