Are you curious to know whether a creator on OnlyFans can see who follows them?
You must also be wondering whether they can see your credit card details after you subscribe.
In this article, you’ll learn whether OnlyFans creators can view who follows them, what other information OnlyFans creators can see, and we’ll answer a couple of frequently asked questions in the end.
Can OnlyFans Creators See Who Follows Them?

A short answer to that question is, YES.
OnFans creators can see who follows them as they receive a notification whenever someone follows them.
Similarly, they will receive a notification if anyone subscribes to their channel.
Check the screenshot below to see what the notification looks like.

The creator will be able to see your name and your username.
Also read: How to Turn on Dark Mode on OnlyFans
However, if you do not follow or subscribe to a creator on OnlyFans, they won’t be able to see your profile or any other information.
They’ll need your profile link if they want to see your name and username.
OnlyFans’ privacy policy clearly states that they do not sell your data.

You should also know that the payments are processed by third-party payment providers. So when you subscribe to a creator with your credit card only the third-party providers can see the details in order to process the payment.
OnlyFans just receives a token number that represents the transaction. OnlyFans can also see the first two and the last four digits of your card.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do OnlyFans creators get a notification when someone cancels?
No, OnlyFans creators do not get notifications when someone cancels their subscription. However, they do get a notification when someone subscribes to them.
Can OnlyFans creators see my email?
No, OnlyFans creators can’t see your email address. They can see your name, username, bio, and location (only if you have added it to your profile).
Can OnlyFans creators see your name?
OnlyFans creators can see your profile. Therefore, if you add your name to your profile, the creator can see it.
Can OnlyFans creators see who you are?
When someone follows or subscribes to them on OnlyFans, the creators receive an email notification. In the notification, they will see your OnlyFans username and name. However, a creator can also see your profile if they have your profile URL.
Can OnlyFans creators see card info?
No, OnlyFans creators cannot see your card info. All the payments are processed by third-party payment providers. OnlyFans just receives a token that represents your card expiration date and your name. OnlyFans knows only the first two and the last four digits of your card. On the other hand, the creators can see who subscribes to them, no other details are provided to the creators.