Wondering what’s the right Instagram profile picture size? Looking for a quick guide to help you make sure your image dimensions are correct? Here’s what you need to know to ensure a perfect Instagram profile photo.

Instagram Profile Picture Size (in pixels)
The ideal Instagram profile picture size is 180 x 180 pixels. But Instagram profile pictures must be at least a minimum size of 110 x 110 pixels. Do leave some empty space in the corners.

Instagram Profile Picture Size (in inches)
The ideal Instagram profile picture is 2.4 x 2.4 inches. But Instagram profile pictures must be at least a minimum size of 1.46 x 1.46 inches.

As you all know, Instagram can be used from your mobile through the app or on your PC or a Mac through their official website so the size of the profile pictures differs, in the app, you’ll see a profile picture which is 110 X 110 pixels but if you see the same picture on the web i.e. through the desktop, it’ll be 180 X 180 pixels.
Did you know? You can actually upload pictures to Instagram from your PC or Mac. Learn how
This does not mean that Instagram doesn’t accept images which are bigger than the above-mentioned sizes, you can totally upload bigger images. As long as the image has the aspect ratio 1: 1, Instagram will accept the image..
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});The image should be a perfect square and if you want your profile picture to look crisp, you should definitely optimize it and another important thing is that even though your profile picture is a square but Instagram will show it as a circle so make sure you leave some empty space in the corners
So, hope this quick guide to optimizing your Instagram profile picture helps you and now that you have optimized your profile picture for Instagram it’s time to post some high-quality photos on Instagram, make sure you use our 100% free Instagram templates to reach even more audience.