Introducing, Instagram templates for Bloghers,
The number of female bloggers is going up day by day and you need to stand out if you need more visitors to come to your blog. There are many successful female bloggers who are making millions from their blog. If you check their updates on the platform like Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest, you will nd that all their designs are professional, a shabby looking post doesn’t interest a visitor. Your posts need to stand out they need to look professional and crisp.
Gone are the days when female bloggers used to love flowery and glossy designs for their posts. They now demand minimal, robust and modern designs. Designing such posts needs a special knowledge of software like Photoshop and Illustrator and hiring professional designers is costly so to solve this problem I have designed 8 top-notch Instagram templates for you guys. They are designed in PowerPoint so that you can customize the designs hassle-free.
This Instagram templates for Bloghers pack is completely free to use and you can customize every element of the template, all the images are included in the bundle. Thanks to Unsplash for providing such stunning photos for free.

Format: pptx (PowerPoint)
Dimensions: 1500×1500 px
Size: 1 Mb