How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram

Do you want to remove your profile picture from Instagram?

Removing your profile picture from Instagram is an easy process, and in this guide, we’ll teach you how to do it on both the Instagram website and the Instagram mobile app.

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How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram

How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram

To remove your profile picture from Instagram, launch the Instagram mobile app and tap the profile icon located in the bottom right corner.

Now, tap the “Edit Profile” button and tap “Change profile photo”.

Finally, tap “Remove current photo” from the menu.

If you want to remove your profile photo from your Instagram feed, you can simply “Archive” it.

This way, you can hide the profile picture from the feed without deleting it.

To archive a post, tap the three dots located in the upper right corner of the post and select “Archive”.

To unarchive a post on Instagram, tap the profile icon from the bottom menu and then tap the “Menu” icon from the top right corner. Select “Archive” from the menu and select “Post archive” from the top toggle menu.

1. Tap the profile icon

How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram Step-1

The first step is to launch the Instagram mobile app.

After you log in, you’ll notice a menu bar at the bottom of the screen. On this menu bar, you’ll see five options: Home, Search, Reels, Activity, and Profile.

Select the “Profile” option (the one on the extreme right) and proceed to the next step.

2. Tap the “Edit Profile” button

How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram Step-2

You’ll be taken to your Instagram profile page after selecting the “Profile” option.

Now, just below your Instagram bio, you’ll notice an “Edit Profile” button.

Tap this button and proceed to the next step.

3. Tap “Change profile photo”

How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram Step-3

On the edit profile page, you have the option to change or remove your profile picture. You can change your name or username.

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You can also edit your bio or add a link to your website.

Since we want to remove the profile picture, we’ll tap on the blue text that says “Change profile photo”.

This option is located just below your profile picture.

4. Select “Remove current” photo

How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram Step-4

After you tap the “Change profile photo” option, you’ll see a menu with five options: Remove current photo, Import from Facebook, Take Photo, Choose from library, and Cancel.

Remove current photo: Select this option if you want to remove your current profile photo from Instagram

Import from Facebook: Import your profile photo from your Facebook account. Make sure your Facebook and Instagram accounts are linked

Take Photo: Take a photo from your phone’s camera. Instagram needs your permission to access your phone’s camera.

Choose from library: Select a photo from your phone’s photo library.

Cancel: Close the menu.

From the list of options, you need to select “Remove current photo” and tap on “Done”

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to remove your profile picture from Instagram.

How To Remove Profile Picture From Instagram (Web)

To remove your profile picture from the Instagram website, go to and log in to your Instagram account.

In the top right corner, you’ll see five options: Home, Chat, Add photo, Discover, Notifications, and Profile.

Click on the profile icon and select “Profile” to open your Instagram profile page.

On the profile page, you’ll see the “Edit Profile” button next to your Instagram username.

Click the “Edit Profile” button to edit your Instagram profile.

Now, click on the blue text that says “Change Profile Photo”, located just below your Instagram username.

Finally, select “Remove Current Photo” from the pop-up menu.

1. Go to and log in to your account

The first step is to open your desktop browser and go to

Now, log in to your Instagram account.

2. Click the “Profile” icon and select “Profile”

After logging in, you’ll notice a list of icons in the top right corner of the page.

Home, Chat, Add Photos, Discover, Heart, and Profile are the five icons.

Click the “Profile” icon from the options.

You should now see a drop-down menu with five choices: Profile, Saved, Settings, Switch Accounts, and Log Out.

From the drop-down option, choose “Profile”.

3. Click the “Edit Profile” button

You’ll be taken to your Instagram profile page after selecting “Profile” from the drop-down menu.

This page displays your Instagram posts, profile photo, bio, people you’re following, and followers.

The “Edit Profile” button is located right next to your username.

To edit your Instagram profile, click on the “Edit Profile” button.

4. Click on the “Change Profile Photo” option

You can edit your Instagram profile on the “Edit Profile” page.

You can change your profile photo, your Instagram bio, and your username.

You can also change your phone number or temporarily deactivate your Instagram account.

You have further options. To see more options, simply select the tab from the left sidebar.

Now, under your username, you’ll see a blue phrase that says “Change Profile Photo”.

Click on this phrase to go to the next step.

5. Select “Remove Current Photo”

After you click on “Change Profile Photo”, you’ll see a pop-up with the title “Change Profile Photo”.

On the pop-up, you’ll see three options: Upload Photo, Remove Current Photo and Cancel.

Select “Remove Current Photo” to remove your Instagram profile picture.

How can I delete my profile picture in Instagram?

To delete your profile picture in Instagram:

  1. Tap the profile icon
  2. Tap the “Edit Profile” button
  3. Tap on “Change profile photo”
  4. Select “Remove current photo” from the menu


You can remove a profile picture from Instagram in just four easy steps.

Simply tap your profile icon from the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, then tap the “Edit Profile” button.

The next step is to tap the phrase “Change profile photo” and then select “Remove current photo.”

If you have your profile photo on your wall, you can either delete it or archive it. Archiving is a great option because you can quickly unarchive it whenever you want the photo back.

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